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Laser hair removal removes unwanted hair permanently by targeting and damaging the root of the hair. The laser itself targets the pigment or color of the hair to damage the root and leaves behind a small stem.


Our facial services are customized to address your skin’s specific issues. We select products and use techniques that will improve your skin’s vitality. A relaxing and restorative experience.

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure. It involves pricking the skin with tiny sterilized needles. The small wounds cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal



Laser Hair Removal - Body Parts:

The Soprano ICE platform represents a new era in laser hair removal technology and treatment methods. By incorporating multiple laser wavelengths and technologies, Soprano ICE allows you treatment of the widest range of patients and hair types quickly and painlessly, all year round. Virtually Painless. Proven Safety Record.

Painless process

The treatment causes no pain leaving the massage-like feeling the only sensation.

Treatment for all skin and hair types

The treatment applies to all varieties of skin and hair types​

Fully safe

The results are fully safe and apply to all skin types​

Tanned skin included

The treatment can be done at any time of the year and applies also to tanned skin

Speedy sessions

The sessions take very short amount of time even for large treatment areas such as the back or the legs

No activity limit after treatment

There is no limit for any type of physical activity after the treatment

Suitable for any body area

The treatment can be applied to hard to reach areas such as the ears and the nostrils.

How it works

The Soprano ICE works with several technologies and multiple laser wavelengths in order to treat the greatest range of skin and hair types

An all in one, multi package


Soprano ICE is the most complete and effective laser hair removal solution available today. Soprano ICE incorporates multiple laser wavelengths and technologies and provides the widest range of treatments for diverse skin types.

ICE™ Technology

ICE™ is a technology that through a cooling process makes long treatments heat-free and leaves the skin without any uncomfortable sensation

Half the treatment time.

Perform more treatment sessions with a large sport size applicator which allows for treatment of larger areas leading to the fastest and most effective hair removal possible.